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Nature Trails Photo Contest Submission Form

Submit your photos of animals, plants, landscapes, over-time/time-lapse, or anything else you've photographed from the Kenneth J. Lehman Nature Trails taken between May 2023 and April 2024. Please include your name, the trail name, a photo title or description and your category. All submissions are due April 13, and winners will be announced shortly after.



Nature Trails Photo Contest Winners 2024


Thank you to all who submitted photos to the 23-24 Nature Trails Photo Contest. Enjoy these images that portray a small glimpse into the beauty the Kenneth J. Lehman Nature Trails hold. 

Landscape Category: David Pyle from White Tail Trail

Landscape Category: David Pyle from White Tail Trail

Animal Category: Trevor Gorby from White Pine Trail

Animal Category: Trevor Gorby from White Pine Trail

Other Category: Avalynn Ayer from Swamp Walkway

Other Category: Avalynn Ayer from Swamp Walkway

Plant Category: Ivon Stevens from Swamp Walkway

Plant Category: Ivon Stevens from Swamp Walkway