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MCC Reads Events

Recorded MCC Reads Events from 2022


"Write On!" with Chad Walden

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter occupies a unique genre in fiction. Learn more about writing styles and explore your creativity with members of the MCC Writing Center as they present an interactive writerly workshop to inspire you to write on.

"Heart-Shaped Love"

MCC's Computer Information Systems Coordinator/Instructor Kristen Diehl, and Chemistry Instructor Sara Rittersdorf share their moving stories as moms of children with congenital heart defects, and how their experiences have influenced their lives in ways they never could have imagined. 


"Lest I Remember: Memories of a Civil War Veteran"

Rob Stone, a member of The Historical Society of Michigan Speakers Bureau and a Civil War reenactor for over 25 years, visits us as a soldier of the Civil War and speaks in the guise of a Michigan veteran in 1896, when the war was a fresh memory. Rob shares the nitty-gritty details of camp life, the songs that were sung, and life on the campaign. This is an unforgettable step back in time to the 1800s.


"The Wit and Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln"

Rev. Steve Charnley has portrayed our 16th President for nearly 30 years, sharing his love and respect for honest Abe, and bringing to life his endearing and insightful character. Wearing his great-grandfather’s coat and vest, which once travelled across mid-Michigan over a hundred years ago while his grandfather rode horseback as a circuit minister, Rev. Charnley’s memorable portrayal will leave you with a new appreciation for President Lincoln.